Cada día FGXpress™ invertirá en un empresario. Nos hemos alineado con Kiva, una conocida organización sin fines de lucro con la intención de bendecir la vida de emprendedores que luchan por mejorar y obtener apoyo financiero.
“El mundo no cambiará por un gran brochazo, sino por millones de pequeñas acciones de generosidad hechas por personas como tú y como yo”.
-Ron Williams, Fundador y CEO de ForeverGreen™ y FGXpress™.
FGXpress™, alineado con la filosofía de ForeverGreen™, alienta a cada uno de sus miembros a ser parte de ese cambio, haciendo la diferencia en el mundo de cada persona cada día, con pequeños e importantes actos de generosidad.
Jocelyn – Philippines – Jocelyn is 33 years old and married with two children. She earns a living by raising pigs in the Philippines. Jocelyn is borrowing to purchase additional feed and vitamins for her pigs.
She is working tirelessly to attain her dream: to build and expand her business, securing the future of her family.
Fatuma from Kenya has a food pantry in her house. She is requesting this loan so that she can invest in the purchase of beverages, milk, bread, noodles, rice, vegetables, and other products so that she can continue offering her customers the variety that they are accustomed to having.She is working tirelessly to attain her dream: to build and expand her business, securing the future of her family.