ForeverGreen invites all its Members to choose something in their local community to stand for. Here are some of their stands.
"Help with local school lunch program." Maria B, Colorado
"Produce TV shows and videos to edify the US Disabled Ski Team." Bart G, Colorado
"School Lunch Program in Eagle County." Lulu G, Colorado
"Take the Power Lunch program to South Sevier School District." Vanda J, Utah
"Visit the elderly at a nursing home." James H, Minnesota
"Organize local drive for a food bank and toys for tots." Jill H, Minnesota
"Visit nursing homes, volunteers at the special Olympics, tutors children with learning challenges at a local elementary school, donates blood 4-5 times/yr." Gordon S, Kansas
"Visit the elderly in nursing homes, donate food and clothing to needy families." Pam S, Kansas
"To help my nephew walk and perform again after having a motorcycle accident." Bob W, Pennsylvania
"Help Jewish people throughout eastern Europe and Asia who are elderly and widowed by providing food and the opportunity to emigrate to Israel." Brent G, Utah
"To comfort and help widows by visiting them, cleaning their homes and helping them with yard work." Heather R, Utah
"Give free square foot garden classes to encourage others to grow organic foods." Barbara M, Utah
"Spend 10-12 hours/day, 7 days /wk consulting cancer patients, working out alternative protocols for them free of charge." Barbara J, Maryland
"Write and produce original sacred music for his church and community." Steve D, Colorado
"Work with individuals in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center." Larry Q, Colorado
"Collect clothes and toys for the Sunshine Children’s Home, visit the elderly in nursing homes, volunteer holding/rocking drug addicted babies at the children’s hospital." Cheryl M, Arizona
"Volunteer with the elderly at a senior citizen center." Lonnie P, Utah
"Mentor troubled teens and volunteer at a "no kill" shelter for animals." Reggie and Dixie M, Arizona
"Making a difference in the lives of children by being a girl scout troop leader and participating in weekly community service projects, ie. beach cleanup, United way walk-a-thons, opening schools in Argentina." Tracy and Sean S, Hawaii
"Trail maintenance and upkeep with RMNP." Les M, Colorado
"Promote a therapeutic riding program for people with disabilities by donating graphic design work and photography." Michelle M, Colorado
"Lead the Children of Zion Cancer Support Life Team." Jo C, Texas
"Tutors kids with reading challenges." Tom H, Utah
"After Hurricane Katrina, I have taken a stand to train and encourage others to create 72 hour survival kits and distribute food packs and hygiene kits." Marilyn N, Minnesota
"Coach youth basketball." Matt B, Utah
"Develop and facilitate programs for sexual abuse survivors." Terrie L, Utah
"Work with youth in her stand against drugs." Janae B, Utah
"Read to children at the daycare center at the YMCA, helps senior citizens in her neighborhood." Johnnie R, Illinois
"I donate my hair to ‘Locks of Love’ for cancer patients and I do massage for the Hospice program" Nataya G, Wisconsin
"To notify everyone about our wonderful chocolate and about the importance of good health" Deanna D, Idaho
"Volunteering for Dunn County school mentoring program." Curt H, Wisconsin
"To work on putting together a scholarship program for the town I live in." Amanda R, Utah
"To be kind to one another." Betty Ann S, South Carolina
"I will visit two of women in the nursing home at least once a month." Connie S, Wisconsin
"I give my time to, and put together, non-profit programs." Diane M, Colorado
"To help one person at a time by sharing my story and passing the torch." Vanessa G, Alberta
"I will volunteer my services as a massage therapist to expectant mothers for four hours a month." Mary G, Minnesota
"I will offer extra time and pro-bono therapy to clients that require it." Sass A, British Columbia
"To stand together and build each other and others up." Ann R, Utah
"I will volunteer at the local theatre and do hair and make up." Kathy B, Wisconsin
"I will assist the elderly with chores, errands, or entertainment at least every two weeks." Gerard T, British Columbia
"To help others improve their quality of living." Bruce L, Utah
"I give free health sessions and eduction to those who are less fortunate." Darrell D, British Columbia
"To help the young women in my community on a weekly basis." Briana M, Utah
"Sharing the passion about natural progesterone and all of the products regularly." Brenda & Warner K, Colorado
"My contribution is to go to many animal shelters across the country and work with the animals." Jeanne H, Wisconsin
"I will work with Ft. Worth Eldercare as their crisis sponsor." Patricia D, Texas
"I have several very close friends facing serious health challenges. I help them with what ever they need." Lois S, Minnesota
"I work with the elderly." Carol C, California
"Promote emotional, physical, and financial health." Rita P, Minnesota
"Do an act of service daily. I will positively effect those around me." Cril G, Utah
"To consistently ‘Bear ye one another’s burdens.’" Julie Ann S, South Carolina
"To use my natural talents to help those in need." Lucille C, Arizona
"Volunteering for ‘Spring Forest Qigong’ international organization activities to assist in teaching that we are all born a healer" Kathe G, Minnesota
"Educating people that everyone must be more entrepreneurial whether owning their own business or working for someone else." Caroline N, Wisconsin
"To share abundance, gratitude, and fun with everyone I meet." Clyde H, Ontario
" Working with the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute and a chiropractor to help people clear obstacles." Harvey W & Kathy J, Colorado
"I will visit my handicapped brother and help with whatever he needs." Merit P, Arizona
"I will work with a young university student who was mugged last March." Bess W, Alberta
"I will help homeless children in Brazil by giving them food, shelter, and education." Romulo R. Arizona
"I will start a support group for those with mental illnesses." Matt H, Colorado
"I teach life skills once a week at a Women & Children Abuse Center." Nelly H, Arizona
"I will visit and perhaps adopt another grandparent in an elderly home and become a friend to them." Marney S, Utah
"I will locate young men who are growing up without father and try to help teach them how to grow into men." Arol F, Arizona
"I will continue to give Dignity to those who are dying by being a hospice nurse, and someday open a hospice in a poor country." Becky Z, Arizona
"Purchasing a Cash Flow For Kids Game once a month and contributing it to a group of children as well as teaching them how to play and playing it with them." Audrey & Jim S, Alberta
"Gifting personal growth holographic re-patterning sessions to individuals and groups." Tim & Helen P, Colorado
"I want to help everybody that I meet know they are important and special." Scott N, Arizona
"Helping clients with their consultations for free." Ellsie H, Alberta
"Teach and cook meal for 50 kids after school for poor kids twice a year." Supnn H, Minnesota
"To continue giving time to our community organic farm." Harla B, Florida
"Become a great nurse." Max A, Arizona
"Focus each day on opportunities to connect people with possibilities to live in further enlightenment." Liy’ean A, Utah
"To let everyone who meets me or encounters a moment with me be happier or more joyful in their life." Sylvia A, Colorado
"Smile (and send love and light) to the people in my community as I pass them on the street, in vehicles, etc." Carol C, British Columbia
"Teach others they can make a difference, achieve empowerment, and show them how to stand in the drift and be a hero." Brad C, Arizona
"Continue to work with the Cub Scouts and to be a noble leader." Crystal B, Utah
"To continue to listen and support my church community on a weekly basis as a leader." Teresa D, Colorado
"Be my word - do what I say. Walk my talk always." Katie A, Utah
"I will help my private school to offer more live foods to eat." Kristina T, Utah
"I will let my creativity out by my sculpture and try new things." Jared T, Utah
"I will give free health lectures to seniors and other groups in my community." Melanie W, Washington
"I will continue helping the children at a special-ed pre-school." Trina H, Utah
"I am creating a non-profit World Music & Dance Center - it’s a huge dream of mine." Diane M, Colorado
"I spend many hours a week giving advice on health, emotions, and spirituality." Markho R, Colorado
"To treat everyone with respect, and look for ways to help instead of waiting for it to come to me." Allesa J, Arizona
"To take my children & invite other families to serve once a month in a soup kitchen or collect donations for local shelters." Kaye Lynn H, Arizona
"Donate monthly expense budget and my time to be the business manager of the Urban Ministerial Alliance of Atlanta." Jack J, Florida
"I will work with the Make A Wish Foundation monthly in my community." Jacque H
"Offering extra time and pro-bono therapy to clients that require it." Cathy A, British Columbia
"To help others with anything they may need however I can, mechanically, and physically." Jonathan S, Arizona
"I will create enough money to finish the course to help staff the Arizona course." Janice P, Utah
"I will become involved with the next movement that must come in the US, the spiritual." Evan B, Colorado
"I will continue to volunteer each month with the Habitat for Humanity." Jeanine B, California
"I am committed to volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and participating in 3 building projects each year." Carrie M, California
"I will participate in Habitat for Humanity builds at least quarterly." Yvonne R, California
"I will volunteer my time at my son’s schools to make a difference with children." Robert C, Arizona
"I will spend time each week doing service for my elderly neighbors, and doing volunteer work at a humanitarian project at my church." Shelli R, Arizona
"I will give unconditionally to those in need, whether it be food, clothes, friendship, money, a ride, etc." Roxanne C, Arizona
"To tell true stories to the elderly who are alone and perhaps afraid of death." Carole F, California
"To show people how they can make any of their dreams a reality and support them on their journey to financial freedom." Catherine W, Colorado
"I will create happiness in at least one child’s life every week by giving of my time for a game, a hug, a story, or just to talk." Cathy K, California
"Speaking on women’s abuse at different churches and donating that money to an abused women and children’s foundation." Peggy Sue D, California
"To teach young children with learning challenges how to read." Marilyn S, Alberta
"Singing and playing piano at a nursing home." Pat E, Colorado
"I read at my daughter’s elementary school 2 times a month for 2 hours." Buffy U, Utah
"Visit the elderly, and comfort the hopeless in my community." Bob R, California
"I will spend my free time coaching youth sports teams, teaching them skills that build confidence, honor and ethics." Anon
"To work with young men in B.S.A. by helping them see there potential and to help them become responsible adults." Gary B, Utah
"By being a homeless interfaith volunteer, women’s shelter volunteer, doing church repairs, coaching basketball, etc." Larry W, Indiana
"I give emotional and verbal support, advice and instruction to people in times of distress." Gloria S, Colorado
"To be a mentor to troubled kids and give them a sense of worth." Alex A, Colorado
"To donate 10% of my earnings through ForeverGreen to a charity that benefits children." Connie V, Florida
"To help handicapped children at the local schools and special Olympics." Julienne M, Arizona
"I will be volunteering as a caregiver/office worker for an organization that helps HIV/AIDS patients." Veronica N, Colorado
"I will continue to assist the elderly, and donate to the battered women’s shelters in my community." Estelle N, Colorado
"I will see what I can do to make Heber Elm’s life easier." Staci R, Utah
"To spend 2 mornings or afternoons a month in my children’s school helping with projects, reading, and/or tasks." Cara-Leigh M, Alberta
"To seek out a nursing home, find someone that has no one and allow ourselves and our children to show them that someone cares." Carolyn & Mike Y and family, Texas
"To continue visiting the Auxiliary hospital, and to continue counseling those who come to me in need." Caron S, Alberta
"Volunteer at our local elementary school and read to the children." Sue S, Utah
"To spread the message of basic financial success tips to young high school students." Steven S, Utah
"To continue working with the vets at the VA Hospital in Fresno." Vanessa, California
"To volunteer at the school where I worked for 16 years." Charlene B, Utah
"To donate blood every 6 weeks, and to try to get others to donate with me." Twyla F, Arizona
"Educate people about what programs are available out there for homebuyers." Scott U, Utah
"To create art work showing infinite horizons and worlds within worlds to share the world "vision" and freedom from the heart." Nancy H, Idaho
"To write at least one hand-written card to one person every month to encourage him/her." Alison W, Washington
"To love my neighbor, their children and to sacrifice whatever necessary to make their lives happier and more comfortable." David W, Utah
"Everyday I try to make a difference in several children’s lives at the Elementary school I work at." Bill D, California
"To spend 12 hours a week assisting at Landmark Education." Russ C, Michigan
"I am volunteering by reading and helping at the I Have a Dream Foundation for children with cancer." Faye D, Colorado
"Share my talents as a Massage Therapist/Fitness Instructor with facilities and persons of special needs in my community." Nancy F, California
"To provide the public integrative medical and home healthcare information freely, information that is not normally accessible or affordable to most people in need." Horton T, Utah
"To visit the elderly, and to volunteer with Hospice assisting those with terminal illnesses." Rebeccah T, Utah
"To have every encounter with people matter by being an example of the love of Christ." Cristina V, California
"To seek out those who are in need and take them food, help them, be kind to them, and be a friend to them." Salinda W, Nevada
"I will offer my assistance to the Boy Scouts in my area, and help families, elderly and others who need help with yard/house work." Jeb W, Nevada
"Working with children that don’t have parents, and visiting the elderly." Fran W, Utah
"There is a neighbor hood boy failing a few classes at school, I am going to tutor him." Deborah W, Utah
"Volunteering 2-3 hours each week at the Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center helping disabled children and adults ride horses." Bettan B, Colorado
"I donate 2 hours a week to special needs children." Ann C, Utah
"Help families who are less fortunate by assisting them in getting the food, clothing, etc. that they need." Todd H, Arizona
"I will give of my time this summer to support the Mountain View Girls Organization." Bret B, Arizona
"I will visit seniors in my area and nursing homes, and offer my service of body work and reflexology treatment." Debbie W, Alberta
"I will volunteer at a nursing home and cut hair for the elderly." Beatrice M, Arizona
"To teach young people how to do things around their house that is important to family life." Russell M, Arizona
"As Payson City Youth Council Advisor, helping youth to realize their great potential." Wendy D, Utah
"To be more actively involved in making the best of experiences for the Boy Scouts of American in my area." Joe D, Utah
"I will volunteer my time and service to the DARE Program and church activities." Yvette P, California
"To aid with finances and time to my local women’s/children’s shelter, and volunteer to local library program Teach Reading." Jennifer W, California
"To help the elderly in my community whether it be meals on wheels, taking them to the store or taking them to the doctor’s office." Shirley T, California
"To revive the use of pure botanical ingredients, by developing organic ingredients and infusing them into the world’s food, beverage, cosmetic, nutraceutical products/industries." Preman B, California
"Continued support fundraising for the Shriner’s hospital, and finding struggling readers and helping them unlock their potential and success in reading." Nancy S, Illinois
"To volunteer with a therapeutic riding program to help kids and adults with disabilities. (Front Range Exceptional Equestrians)" Michelle M, Colorado
"Help someone in need with my mechanical skills, and to make a difference in the lives of my students." W. R. Tom P, Utah
"To spread acts of kindness to everyone I come in contact with." Sarah S, Alberta
"To help families get through tough times financially, help single parent families, and help others by fix housing problems." Matt M, Arizona
"Find housing & financial assistance for a family whose house was repossessed." Sherrie O, California
"Volunteering time to a local school lunch program so that all the children get good nutrition to start their day." Gary & Lorraine M, Alberta
"I work with local environmental & wildlife preservation, and am educating people about the importance of wind power." Ron M, Colorado
"I will work with single adults in our areas to help them meet others in their same situation." Callie G, Utah
"Donating time at Battered/Abused women’s shelter, building houses for women by women with habitat, trail maintenance, and reading to preschoolers." Judi G, Colorado
"Give my heart, my soul to my family and to all those who may need." Jake F, Colorado
"I will continue to volunteer at school, and with my time, money and vocal education of others continue to save the lives of surrendered, abused and abandoned animals with N.A.S.A.P." Iris R, Alberta
"I will make life better for my family in a positive way, pray for my church family and I will support my friends that are in need." Vicky K, Alberta
"I will help with elderly projects." Robert J, Minnesota
"I will find a school that needs some sewing teaching or service in making children’s classrooms more exciting." Jackie J, Utah
"Create a training for young adults (18-60) on having fun without drugs or alcohol. It will be called The Party’s in Your Head." Lizet F, California
"I will help feed the police officers for DUI task force events." Karen M, Arizona
"By summer solstice 2005 I will give $10,000 to Janice for adopting Russian orphans as she chooses." Selena, Colorado
"I will visit those who are ill and depressed and offer a hearing ear, healing touch, and unconditional love and I will get involved with the handicapped children at the high school." Tamara K, Colorado
"To protect the lives of those whom I come in contact with and those who can not protect themselves, and continue to work with the Boy Scouts of America." Rodney M, Arizona
"Make weekly visits to my elderly friend who is all alone, and work with church youth groups 2 times a week." Debbie W, Arizona
"Smile, talk, greet anyone with a feeling of real caring for them as an important spirit, and I will spend one more day of the week helping them with their needs." Jane J, Arizona
"I will volunteer work where needed at my local Children’s Crisis Center and my church." Sara W, Arizona
"Each day I commit to making the world a little brighter, happier, joyful, better for one person." David S, Arizona
"I want to do prison ministry. I would like to help them become responsible members of society again." Dwayne S, California
"I am a CASA volunteer (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for abused and neglected children in my community." Monica I, California
"My commitment to my community is to take 1 child a week and make them feel special and unique, and that they are loved and important." Michelle N, Arizona
"Volunteer in a school reading program, in the hospital, in community recycling, and support and sustain my parents, sister, children and grandchildren." Jane T, British Columbia
"Help disabled and poor families find their dreams and help people in 3rd world countries achieve their goals." Chris J, Florida
"Volunteer my time, at least once a moth to bringing books to the elderly in conjunction with my local library." Genie T, California
"Teach a weekly bible class." Tom O, California
"I will mentor a child 2-3 hours each week. I will not be their teacher, housemaster, therapist, etc. I am there to value them, listen to them, guide them." Kristie T, Colorado
"I am now aligned with the Lydia Dody Breast Cancer Foundation and am working to support their efforts and bring education to the women of northern Colorado." Deborah D, Colorado
"I currently volunteer my time as a budget counselor to help people get out of debt so they can be free." Sheri C, Colorado
"I commit to spending time with children on art projects, going on hikes, biking love, creating leadership at a local residential children’s home for abused children." Amanda T, Colorado
"I am working with habitat for humanity in Boulder, I am also helping to develop the first senior co housing project in the US." Sharon T, Colorado
"To help the A.L.I.E. Foundation go forth in their endeavor in teaching children to safe, and to eventually teach my golden retriever to track and find missing people." Mary F, Colorado
"I will start by weekly visits to our extended care facility visiting with the elderly and offering my physical therapy services to anyone that needs them." Sally L, Colorado
"I will fly 12 Angle Flights this year. Angle Flight is a charity that flies people who can’t afford it to hospitals." David B, Colorado
"I want to reach beyond my community and provide humanitarian aid to those children in 3rd world countries, and seek out a child to adopt so I can bring a better way of life to them." Shelby E, Utah
"I will volunteer at the Culinary School of the Rockies and I would like to see some of the meals that we cook go to the less fortunate children of Boulder." Michelle B, Colorado
"To volunteer with our local hospice organization providing grief and bereavement support of surviving family members of hospice patients." Kathy Z, Colorado
"I will volunteer at the senior center, and I would like to become a big sister, and my husband Kurt wants to become a big brother." Eileen & Kurt R, Colorado
"To find people that are going through chemotherapy and offer to fit them with wigs and maintain their look." Tawnya C, Arizona
"Give comfort to women who are suffering due to divorce, illness, etc. and to volunteer with my 15 year old son at an elder care center once a week." Shelly A, Arizona
"An oral surgeon friend and I select children with severe facial deformities that can not afford treatment in the communities we serve, and provide them with our combined services." Dr. Randy A, Arizona
"I will devote 4 hours a month at a local Boy’s and Girl’s Center to help them have a better life." Mark Z, Utah
"I will go to schools and colleges and give talks on taking responsibility for our health, the importance of diet, water and exercise." Jay W, Durham UK
"I will be teaching free healthy cooking classes to children at our store." Kathy J, Colorado
"I will be reading my poetry to children and inspiring their creative art work." Helen P, Colorado
"To keep my neighborhood clean and beautiful and to serve my neighbors without their knowledge i.e. bringing in their garbage can, pick up their paper, etc." Jill B, Arizona
"I will commit to take my children to a nursing home in our areas to visit and brighten the residents lives at least once a week." Emily F, Colorado
"Continue teaching parenting skills assertiveness class, and continue to empower the children in my life by being a leader of the Jet Star 4H Club." Janelle L, Utah
"I will provide free baby sitting for single mothers, so they can go out and enjoy time without the children, and I will take my family to a homeless shelter once a month to help out." Iris H, Utah
"I will visit the widows and those who are alone more often, teach those who are ill to heal themselves with proper diet, and give art lessons twice a month to shut-ins." Theresa M, Utah
"To continue giving a substantial percentage of my income to Airline Ambassadors (a group that volunteer around the world), and to continue volunteering and doing whatever I can." Dianna W, Arizona
"I will volunteer at least 4 hours a month to troubled or lonely children who need a friend, someone to listen to them, or someone to bring joy to their heart." Maraya, Colorado
"To empower people to transform their lives through healthy living and financial abundance." Michael L, Arizona
"I stand to serve endlessly in my church whenever needed, to help children at my children’s school, and to be a positive influence on those around me." Jodi S, Arizona
"To make a quilt each month for either a homeless shelter, child crisis center, or senior citizen center, and to take one of my grandchildren each month to visit the elderly." Julie L, Arizona
"To become a big brother and spend 2 hours per week with a local child that doesn’t have a father, and to befriend an elderly gentleman with Alzheimer’s." Greg B, California
"I plan to be on the fundraising committee of a community service group that raises money for children and the elderly, and I plan to donate 2 hours a month to read to the children." Carolyn B, California
"I commit to pick up little that is in my path to my car, home, work, etc. I am going to make our mother Earth a little cleaner." Tracy K, Arizona
"I will help out in my local schools by helping children learn and providing fun activities." Monica S, Arizona
"I will volunteer in my children’s schools at least once a month, and I will be a courteous driver." Marsha Z, Arizona
"I will donate my carpenter skills to the community, starting with 4 hours a month." Brad Z, Arizona
"I am a member of Altrusa, we are professional women that raise money to help our local community mostly with literacy working with schools." Cynthia P, California
"Prepare a vegetable garden and share fresh produce with a local resident’s home for the elderly." Candy M, California
"We give volunteer hours to Heart to Heart, a Christian organization that air lifts and drops medical supplies to countries in crisis." John & Debbie R, California
"To befriend my elderly neighbors and help them with groceries, have meals with them, and to listen and talk with them." Kay L, California
"I will volunteer 3 times a month to hospice and in home nursing/care giving facilities." Stacy U, Utah
"To invite the lonely or elderly into my home at least twice a month for dinner and to make them feel loved and appreciated by someone." Marina B, Utah
"I will volunteer at Primary Children’s Hospital 2 days a week." Jodie U, Utah
"I will donate clothing, blankets, etc. to the homeless shelter, and I will find children who need special attention and give them mine." Dana W, Utah
"To give children an opportunity to learn how to play baseball and have fun doing it by offering free time to training facility." Kaye L, Utah
"To make a quilt once a month and donate it to the elderly, homeless, or a center for children." Carol U, Utah
"The Hispanic community needs support. I will help by providing financial education for home loans, and helping to get their children in day care." Michelle B, Utah
"I will promote youth programs/courses to educators around the world, in all communities." Ingrid W, Utah
"I am committing to stand as a responsible mother/parent and involve my children with me in a weekly "silent" service project. We will seek out those in need and serve them in a useful way." Maren O, Utah